FR dictionnaire Français de the return of the space cowboy vers the stranglers
- The Return Of The Space Cowboy
- The Reverend
- The Road to Guantanamo
- The Rock and Roll Circus
- The Rocking Vicars
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- The Rolling Stones
- The Rose
- The Roxy
- The Rubettes
- The Saga of Ryzom
- The Sallyangie
- The San Diego Union-Tribune
- The Sarah Connor Chronicles
- The Search For The Next Doll
- The Secret Agent
- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
- The Secret Machines
- The Secret of Monkey Island
- The Sentinel
- The Servant
- The Settlers
- The Settlers III
- The Shadow
- The Shield
- The Shining
- The Shop Around the Corner
- The Simple Life
- The Sins of Thy Beloved
- The Sisters of Mercy
- The Skatalites
- The Skin Game
- The Smashing Pumpkins
- The Snuke
- The Soft Parade
- The Song Remains the Same
- The Soong Sisters
- The Sorrow
- The Sound of Girls Aloud - The Greatest Hits
- The Soundhouse Tapes
- The Specials
- The Spectacular Spider-Man
- The Spencer Davis Group
- The spirit of Ecstasy
- The Square Capital Tower
- The Star-Spangled Banner
- The Stone Roses
- The Story of the Kelly Gang
- The Strand
- The Stranglers