FR dictionnaire Français de eurofighter typhoon vers european telecommunications standards institute
- Eurofighter Typhoon
- EuroJet Turbo GmbH
- Euroligue de basket-ball
- Euroligue de water polo
- Euroligue féminine de basket-ball
- eurolinguistique
- Euromanx
- Euromayday
- Euromissile HOT
- Euromonnaie
- Euronat
- EuroNCAP
- EuroNews
- Europa
- Europa Europa
- Europa Park
- Europa Universalis II
- Europanto
- europarlamentaire
- Europe
- Europe - Démocratie - Espéranto
- Europe centrale
- Europe continentale
- Europe de l'Est
- Europe de l'Ouest
- Europe de l’Est
- Europe de l’Ouest
- Europe du Nord
- Europe du Sud
- Europe fille d'Agénor
- Europe latine
- Europe médiane
- Europe occidentale
- Europe orientale
- Europe sous domination nazie
- Europe sud-orientale
- European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company
- European Christian Political Youth Network
- European Computer Trade Show
- European Currency Unit
- European Foundation for Quality Management
- European geostationary navigation overlay system
- European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research
- European Launcher Development Organisation
- European Quality Improvement System
- European Remote-Sensing Satellite
- European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
- European Space Operations Centre
- European synchrotron radiation facility
- European Telecommunications Standards Institute